Maybe only the shopaholic part...

28 May 2010

I just finished watching Confessions of a Shopaholic, watched part of it when I was in Malaysia the last time with my iPhone. My sister said Isla Fisher looks a little like me, as in the features. She really got me curious enough to finish the whole movie.

Do we really look a little alike? Hmm...

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I was updating my old blog posts, replacing the pathetically small images with bigger images. Just erks me when I think everything on my blog isn't syncronized.

I started with the posts from year 2006, looking back at the old photos. I do look a lot different from now. I weigh lighter than what I am now in 2006 but I think I looked slimmer now as compared to the past. Weird huh?

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*Family BBQ tomorrow! Can't wait. =)

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