Red bean sponge cake for my late breakfast, it was around 1pm already. The red bean sponge cake is fragrant but a little dry, perhaps I bought it last night and only consume it so much later. The red bean paste wasn't too sweet which is good.
Lau Chong Kee New Market Confectionery
Blk 32, New Market Road
People's Park Cooked Food Centre, #01-1030
Singapore 050032
I got hungry soon after and made myself a healthy meal! Steamed some cabbage and chicken frank with sesame dressing, tastes quite good.
Plus a slice of steamed cinnamon sugar bread. Cinnamon sugar was left from the time a made some toasts - here. It's the same thing but I tried steaming my bread instead because I read it from ieatishootipost saying that steaming the bread will make it more fluffy.
Worth trying, the bread is really fluffier. =)