Sparkly ice-cream and the flashy camera.

14 October 2011

Met up with boyfriend after his work and he surprised me with an anniversary gift!

I love it, love it, love it! This is going to go very well together with my Juicy Couture case.

He wanted to get something else initially but this will do for now. =)

Thank you, Pi! Love you loads and loads and loads!

Oh! And he caught me Shappo of Sentimental Circus at Arcadia. I'm so in love with it now, too cute! It's just so me, like a Gemini.

Ooooh. I thought I would never get hooked by these characters. Hello Kitty was a big no-no (too common), the rest were cute but "oh well, just another". Sentimental Circus is very much different from the rest.

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