Boyfriend rings me while he was still working, you have to know we hardly talk on the phone.
Me: Hello. Yes?
Bf: Do you want to go to Taiwan?
Me: Huh?
Bf: Do you want to go to Taiwan?
Me: Huh? I don't have the money.
Bf: I won tickets to Taiwan.
Me: Really?! Yeah!!!!!! (I practically just went crazy.)
Yup, he entered the Taiwan 100 logo design and won first prize! Aww~ My boyfriend is the best. ❤
So we had to attend the prize award ceremony which is on our anniversary at Shangri-La Hotel, food and drinks provided.
That is his winning entry.
Though we think there are other entries which are good too. Well, we have no idea what was the winning criteria.
I'll just let all of you take a look around the place - the reception.
Inside the main ballroom.
I seriously can't wait to eat them!
The ceremony is starting... That is Taiwan's representative Vanessa Shih.
Oh, here comes Mr. George Yeo.
Boyfriend receiving his prize. Phew. I actually managed to squeeze my way in to get a good view to take photos together with the group of reporters.
The braised meat rice is super good but the queue was super long. There's xiao long bao too but it's already in my famished tummy.
And yes, I've got my desserts!
That's the birthday cake and I have to say that it is strangely yummy. It's chocolatey, moist, chewy and a little sticky at the same time. It's just difficult to describe but I would love to have it again.
Guess where we are off to next?
Singapore Flyer!
This is the champagne cabin, we've just taking the normal one.
How do you feel? Good?
Look at those lights.
Marina Bay Sands.
That's me.
Boyfriend started taking a few pictures, I don't know what he is trying to do.
Okay, back to normal.
As promised, my super-boyfriend.
We really think the designer was eating something during mid-autumn while doing the design.
If you get what I mean...
The big boyfriend and tiny me.
Goodbye! He's busy catching butterflies again. Haha...
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