random mumblings

15 January 2014

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This beautiful little flower. I didn't use any filters for this picture.

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This scissors cut #curryrice made my day better. It was delicious and there are many other yummy - looking food there too. If only I could eat them all. =P

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And.... icecream! Even though we were super busy today and didn't really have the time to slowly enjoy it.

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Took super a lot picture of this #bunny. How? How? How? She's so super cute!

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On her temporary stairs. She may not even need it in future.

Oh! By the way, I just set up her new playpen! There's no way she can jump out anymore. Hahaha!

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Having her minty moment. Sneeze is a lot better now, let's hope that it will be gone forever soon.

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Kissing the daddy. Lol.

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Seems like a bunny just found herself a nice corner on the bed to snooze.
Hello, that's my pillow you are sitting on. You go down now, it's my bedtime.

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