Oh yes~ I made burgers this time. There was leftover minced meat and loads of onions in the kitchen, so I thought, "Why not?"
I mixed a lot of chopped onions with the minced meat, together with some spices, salt, pepper... Shape into patties and they are ready for frying.
Toasted the burgers and fried some sunny side-ups. There's this perfect way to fry the eggs.
Once you put the egg inside the frying pan (small to medium heat), the underside of the egg starts turning white (cooked), you pour around 2 to 3 tablespoons of water, quickly cover the pan and wait for 1 minute. The water will boil real quick and turns into steam which cooks the top part of the egg while keeping the yolks runny. Tadaa! You have your runny sunny side-ups!
If you want your burger with cheese, do remember to add cheese slice on the patty once it's cooked. Enjoy! =)
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