Went to write the message cards.
I was told that I could use the typewriter to type my message on the cards. Why not? I could try out the vintage typewriter.
I swear I had a difficult time with it, the ink wasn't coming out well and we were trying to figure what was happening. Till the girl at the table told me I have to punch the alphabets real fast and hard. *gasps*
Seriously, my fingers were tired after that.
The others gave up. You could still see that the ink isn't clear yet after all that hard punching.
To the ballroom.
My seat.
And took lots of pictures before the dinner starts.
Guys pose this way when we asked them for a 'manly' pose. Girls like to tuck in their chins and having the chin out means manly?
Daddy with little Lucas.
Fake wedding cake.
Too many photos.
The menu.
With Mum and Dad.
Wedding gift.
Cute 'long-distance' nephew, he has loads of facial expressions.
The lights go off and it's time for the bride and groom to come in!
Food finally!
Second entrance of the bride and groom.
Brother and me.
Yum seng!
Then, the cute nephew continues with his own yum seng.
He notices we were laughing away while taking his pictures.
Time for a picture with the wedding couple.
Still eating.
We start moving around to take pictures.
Back for some food again.
Then more picture taking.
More photos even after we left the ballroom.
Daddy hasn't been to town for a very long time and so he gets amazed by the views.
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