toasted potato wedges.

29 July 2011

I just needed to relieve myself from all those tension that I have been having for the whole day, I wasn't able to focus properly on my studying. Exam is tomorrow!

Feeling irritated and hungry, I had to solve one of them and so I could feel a little better. Cooking soothes my mood every time and I needed some comfort food too. Potato wedges sound like a good idea.

Toasted Potato Wedges (serves 1)

1 medium potato
1 teaspoon spiced salt (Daiso)
1/2 teaspoon dried parsley (IKEA)

1. Cut potato into wedges, lay them nicely on the toast tray.
2. Toast wedges inside the toaster, flip wedges once in a while to make sure both sides are brown and cooked.
3. Sprinkle both spiced salt and dried parsley, mix well.

This is definitely not going to be crispy like the deep fried ones but healthier.

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Thanks boyfriend for buying me Gong Cha and for chasing away all that tension! ♥

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