Where shall I go?

16 June 2011

Was down with a migraine and I think it was kind of a scary one last night. Almost puke on the bus, got down the bus halfway and boyfriend had to fetch me. 又麻烦你了.

Visit the doctor, did the usual checks and he asked me to go for a MRI, just to make sure there's nothing serious about me. O_o

me: How much would that cost?
doc: 5oo or 600 perhaps. Of course, it wouldn't be cheap.
me: err... I can't go. I think I will wait. (I was so scared deep down inside.)
doc: Then I can only give you medicine and not be able to fix the root of the problem.
me: I know, I understand. (I have no money.)

Yes, after working for so long and I still don't have much savings. Got school fees to pay and my salary is really low. Tsk. Nevermind, I don't want to talk about this.

Anyway I found one of my favourite cake! The steam egg cake! It's not easy to find it nowadays.

Also bought some yong tau foo home, so I could make myself lunch. Used a can of spiced pork cubes to make soup together with the yong tau foo I bought and added pasta too.

Woo. It's yummeh!

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