It's good to sometimes slow it down.

07 September 2010

Christmas is not here yet and we're having roasted turkey for lunch. Yum yum! This is a sample from our supplier. *grins*

If you know how to cook, then you must know how to cut up a turkey. Yes, I did the honour of 'slaughtering'.

The stuffing is stuffed at the front of the turkey, this must be the best turkey I ever had.

Peisan with her favourite drumstick. Haa!

Don't know what to do with the knife and it's dangerous to just leave it around.

- - - - -

Met up with Brother for dinner at Wendy's.


Love my bag from Forever21. Cute.

Can't wait to start! By the way, I eat their burgers with fork and knife because their wrappers are oily.

Vintage logo.

Sour cream and onion baked potato. The cream is yucky.

Spicy chicken Sandwich.

This one has my brother in the picture. Haha!

Just one more. =P

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