Shall bring all of you around my house for a look! Firstly, the backyard... chickens crop.
They don't have such a big area to roam around when I was small.
That chicken there, I believe is the leader of the chickens.
Wash area. We're the only house in this area with a well in our backyard, which means endless supply of water! When I was really small, it's was manual hand pump, then electric where you just have to switch it on. Now, with taps... hahaha!
This area has gotten kinda messy ever since my cousins have moved out after they were married.
My auntie, she hardly cooks anymore since there isn't much people at home.
Things have turned rusty.
Altar of the kitchen deity.
The bathroom at the backyard, we do have proper bathroom in the house which was only built after my Grandma was sick but I only like to bathe here, has been a preference since I was young.
The tank is no longer in use, since my auntie doesn't use the bathroom anymore.
See that big metal tub? We used to bathe in there when we were toddlers.
Holes on the walls of the bathroom but who cares anyway. =P
My father brought that boat back here, used it for a few fishing trips then it has been lying there ever since.
Then here's the dining area, the kitchen is in the backyard.
Love those cupboards! Vintage...
Living room.
This thing has been hanging there since I don't even know when, it was like there ever since I was born. Haha!
My father says the clock still works, I hope I could bring it back.
Old sewing machine, no longer in use.
Wall full of photos.
This is my very handsome Daddy.
Daddy and Mummy's wedding photo.
You see those white rectangular patches? The deities used to be images in frames, can't remember when they changed it.
My nephew lazing around on a Sunday morning watching cartoons.
Change of posture.
My family's bedroom, very very messy.
Water leaks from the roof when it's raining, hope my uncle repairs the roof soon.
Daddy starts bringing me around to show me more stuffs that was kept away. In Grandfather's room, it is now used as a storage room.
Very very old TV cabinet still intact with the legs, if I didn't remember wrongly... It's from Sharp.
Daddy's class photo. Top row, third counting from the right.
Vintage fan, most importantly... it's mint! Love love love! Daddy says it might still be able to work.
Outside the house. The signboard has always been there.
There's really a lot of altars around the house.
Messy messy area...
Another altar.
There used to be a big jackfruit tree right here which my Daddy planted it. They saw the tree and uprooted it, causing a long crack on the floor in the house, you could just imagine how deep the roots went.
Front of the house.
Lots of plants on this side, don't need watering and no special care needed.
He still continues to laze around with another posture.
Daddy digging in the cupboard inside our bedroom, he found old coins.
Receipt of Daddy and Mummy's wedding jewellry. Vintage!
Grandma's room this time. Grandpa and Grandma sleep in separate rooms, erm... well... they don't like each other.
Grandma's dresser.
Some vintage findings.
Pictures of chinese opera actors and actresses.
Postcards with images of China.
My Grandma used to play with these cards.
Medicated oil, not usable anymore.
He still continues to watch his cartoons.
Finally managed to take a picture with him, he's acting muscular.
The culprit whom made the whole village wait for her. Wake up so late and the last person still having her breakfast.
Stopped for lunch at KL being we start our way up to Genting. You see Genting from here.
Claypot chicken rice.
We waited hours for our hotel rooms at First World, rest a while in our rooms before we proceed to the KTV. We got a complimentary ticket for 2 person, KTV Dinner!
Girls on one side.
Guys on the other.
My dinner was Tom Yum Soup Beehoon, it's yummy!
Shopping after our KTV session, you can get yummy tea eggs from Genting too, you could smell the fragrance from far.
Freezed ourselves in SnowWorld, managed to sneak our cameras in and took some pictures.
A war started inside, the fellow below started it. My sister managed to throw a handful of snow right in his face. Hahaha! It's a very funny sight.
Took our tickets to redeem...
Had supper at KFC, they have Cheesy Wedges, tastes better than the fries!
We talked about a lot of things during supper, a lot of things when we didn't know about or even we didn't talk about. Things like how much we're afraid of when we might lose our parents onne day, to the extend that we would actually stop to make sure they are still breathing when they are just taking a nap. Yes, I'm really afraid of losing my Daddy or Mummy, I hope time could stop and not take them away from me.
Sheat... I'm starting to tear while typing all these...
Took a few family pictures before we go back to our rooms.
Our parents.
The youngsters.
Shall end here with this picture. =)
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