Chit-chatting with my sister last night when I was suppose to be sleeping, so that I could wake up early this morning and continue revising.
It's more like a summarised update of what happened during these years and what we have been through, our thoughts and feelings.
Of course the chat would consist of relationships - how we think about some guys and we they act in some ways. The kind of guys which we think would be more attractive to us. Hahaha! Of course, I wouldn't say it here. =P Happy guessing!
Then, it was the family. I felt Mummy and Daddy has got more wrinkles as compared to a few years back. I was tearing while we were talking about them... How we were still not able to give them financial support, even at my age... I feel I'm not doing enough. Things we wanted to do in future for our parents, wanting them to retire and just relax all they can. All we could do is dream now. Yup! We work towards that goal together!
Yes and of course, ourselves, the way we have changed - attitudes and behavior towards life. We used to take everything for granted when we were young and now even something simple we would be happy. Something as simple as my mum preparing dinner for us... Ahh~ you know? Finding happiness from the most simple things in life and being grateful for it.
This is what I always believe in:
Having lots of money doesn't make one happy but making good use of the money will make everyone happy and that makes you happy too, so why not?
I slept real late last night but the conversation makes me kind of happy, somehow. =)
One day at a time -- This is enough.
Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present and make it beautiful, it will be worth remembering.
Happiness is a journey.