Sister and me, we've got big eyes.
It's going to be a day full of photoshoots!
Strangers will walk pass and they might look at you but everything is worth it when you know the pictures are going to turn out superb! Even my brother joined in. =)
This post is going to be image heavy, will only post my pictures. If you want to see my sister's or my brother's pictures, please head over to their blogs instead.
Weet~ Nice sunset.
Looking at the scenery.
I really love my slim long legs.
I think I killed a flower. Oops.
We sat around and start taking pictures.
Loads of my pictures.
looking for something in my bag.
Where is it?
Hmm... okay, nevermind.
My brother is handsome, right?
One grass, 2 grass, 3 gra...
They messed up my hair! *Cries*
Haiyak! You big bully!
I might as well, just lay down on the grass.
Pocky time.
Hmm... It's not mine, should I open it?
Heh heh.
Pocky advertisement.
I'll let you off.
Looking back.
Footy, always must-take.
Now she's going to hit me too?
Some pictures that I took for my sister, I think it's nice.
And she takes a picture of me.
At My Secret Garden again, the 'waiting-for-someone' picture.
Dinner time.
The Gossip Girls.
Our dinner is finally here, simple fares like wanton mee and chicken cutlet rice.
The day sure was fun, we're going to play again next week!
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