Funny experience.

02 August 2009

Dinner at LJS. I seriously do not know that the potato chips add-on include cheese dip, I even ordered another cheese dip. That was so fattening, what a waste of money.

I left my stack of notes at LJS, stupid me only realise it after I got home. Dangz! I asked my brother to go back to LJS with me and I treat him a pack of seaweed shaker fries. Just don't want to go back there all by myself.

The unbelievable thing was... the notes were still on the table which I left at, nobody dared to sit at the table. I've been away for about 2 hours and thought that the staffs will keep it until I go back to ask for it. Weird~

Changed my blog layout as I was sick of the black background. Don't you love the white background now, looks so much cleaner and relaxing. I still have further changes to be made but it stay like that for a bit till I have the time to do it. Not bad huh? I changed everything within 2 hours, so proud of myself. *Grins*

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