King of Pop always.

08 July 2009

I'm re-watching Michael Jackson's memorial right now. It's good. This was supposed to be a funeral but I'm watching a concert instead, a sad one though.

I just learnt that MJ eats Kentucky Fried Chicken! How nice, he's humble and friendly, makes one feel really close. =)

Some parts of the tributes are touching... His daughter, Paris, spoke 2 sentences and it was enough to make me cry.
- Sharpton to Jackson's children: "There wasn't nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what he had to deal with."
- "Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine," Paris Jackson, 11, said, choking back sobs. "And I just want to say I love him so much," she added, before aunt Janet Jackson enveloped her in a hug.

Nobody will ever be able to break his record of his best-selling album. I still remember the first time I watched his music video or concert on TV, I watched him 'moonwalk' and it was incredible. The scene of his fans crowding around him was 'WOW!'. I asked my dad who he was, why was he so great, blar blar... He was like a god, a king.

Michael Jackson will be the best always.
Okie, I'm going back to watch the memorial.

This is what I really call a concert. He has the most people attending his concert, you could just totally feel it. I felt he was so handsome in his military suit, I wasn't even 10 years old! Haha!

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