Early breakfast at one of the Rest stops along the Highway. Nasi Ayam was yummy, crispy skin and definitely satisfying.
Back to the car and I continued sleeping till we reach the next stop. I had A&W for breakfast! Wee~
My fries and root beer. Shit... I forget the twisted fries.
One of the burger from the cheaper set meals.
Chicken mayo waffle burger, this is yummy.
Coney dog, one of my must-haves. The hotdog with mutton sauce is mmm.... oomh...
Waffle with ice-cream, all gone. =P
Continued sleeping during the whole trip again. By the way, I slept the whole way till I reach home and only woke up when the car stops for toilet breaks.
Finally home at around 12pm, 9 hours trip... tiring... My back is aching after sleeping too much on the car.
Me with my messed up hair... haha.
Somw snippets of my house in Malaysia, a old kampong house consists of traditional wooden walls and metal roofs. You can just imagine how hot it is, just like you are being roasted inside the oven.
My aunt just lives at the next next house, you only see the corner of the house from here. She still stays in the old house though, she's not used to her new house.
Main door, it's always kept opened.
The living room.
Loads of family photos, you can still see my parents wedding photos. Just right at the top left and the handsome picture of my dad a little diagonally at the right side from the wedding photo.
A little bit more over at that corner too.
Passageway to the kitchen, bedrooms on the left and right. My room is the first at the left, it's not in this picture.
The dining area and toilets.
The very aged cupboards which prevents flys from getting to our food.
See the very big jar of water below the counter? My grandma once told me it's rainwater but the day was 'special', it only happens once a many years, something like seeing an eclipse but much more rare.
Backyard, the place where cooking is done. I bathe in the little hut there, the wood prank wall is full of holes after facing many years of bad weather.
Our very own well, saves a lot of water bill. We love bathing with the water from the well, damn refreshing! One of the reasons why I'm willing to bathe in the torn little hut or bathhouse. Haha!
Still full of water.
We have lots of papaya trees but too bad, not ripe yet.
How do we fertilise the papaya trees? We have our very own chickens crop right below the trees. Bwahahaha!
Weird looking chicken, it looks like it's neck is broken but I bet it must be sleeping.
My family's bedroom, since mummy is not here, I shall share the bed with daddy. Hehe... I don't want to sleep on the floor.
Our room is air-conditioned! Wahaha, the only not-traditional part of the house.
Clothes line the the room.
Old old switch.
Then it was time for lunch! We went to one of our favourite coffee shops.
Daddy ordered his favourite big pau.
While I was looking forward to my chicken porridge.
Very tender and delicious chicken slices.
Plain smooth porridge.
Added a bowl of fried meatballs, one of the signature dish in Kampar.
Drinks, only Malaysia has the best iced milo.
Daddy was so happy when he managed to get shrimp floss in glutinous rice kueh and he started chomping away again...
Being adventurous... we went to Cameron Highlands, the drivers sure are tired. Strawberry picking time! I went inside the farm with Simyee. =]
Just cut the stems...
And you will get a basketful of strawberries!
The lady pack our strawberries into boxes.
Not as sweet as Korean strawberries though.
Juicy and sweet corn.
Salted herbal chicken.
With a cup of good tea.
Just imagine hundreds of flies around the place while we eat, the tealight which was suppose to 'chase' them off, does not work at all. They even swim inside the wax! Disgust...
Super creepy old jeep. There's a jacket and an umbrella inside, I wonder where the owner went...
Bare field of tea plantation.
Where are the tea leaves?
That me. =P
Dinner at a restaurant near our house, delicious and value for money. Better than some posh restaurants in Singapore!
Help out with the Qing Ming items to tomorrow after bath.
Ah Bee playing with my DS, only good boys can play with my DS.
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