Before meeting my friends, I spree-d for Betwo clothes again. This time 3 tops for only $20, including shipping charge. Weee~ I hope the clothes come soon.
Sleeveless top.
Red jacket.
Met Wenqing at Northpoint and we bought a lot of food for our teachers. The rest of them are still on their way from work or school and Helen is busy writing some cards for teachers somewhere around Northpoint, lol.
Two hours later, we finally reach our school! Not because the journey is long, we took very very long to meet up.
Tadaa~ Ahh~ How memorable! I miss school. ='(
The canteen still looks pretty much the same, we didn't manage to eat our lunch in school, cause the stores were closed.
Mdm Koh treat us to tea, she personally walked over to order for us even when we said we don't need drinks. She even cleaned the table! Alamak! We faster went to collect our tea when it was ready, don't want her to serve us already. See, she is very grand-motherly.
Walked around school for a while, the environment brought back a lot of memories.
There used to be a little pond here but it's gone now.
The area where I usually sleep at during recess, we don't usually eat during that time.
Assembly hall.
Renovated stage, the flooring wasn't like this last time.
New add-on at the side of the stage, the Hall-of-Fame. Hahaha!
Our favourite toilet at the admin block, cause the toilet is very clean and it still is very clean now. Imagine we walk all the way from our classroom to just change into our PE attire, our classrooms are at the other end of the whole school building.
We even used to sit on the toilet floor to chit chat.
Library, we couldn't get in as there was a workshop going on. We're librarians!
Introducing our classrooms! I'm from 4E3, it is now 4E2 that's why I'm covering it.
The tables are lesser, I think the class is smaller now.
The 4E1s without Shuhui.
Basketball court and we share the field with Hua Min Primary School.
And this!!! It was spray on when we were in Sec 2 because all the classes were allowed to decorate and paint their own classrooms at that time. This was spray by the people from class 204.
Detention area.
Library board. You know how amazing this board is?
Artwork done by Ms Shuhui.
Serene is in this photo.
Serene, Shuhui and Wenqing. Only back views.
All of us are in this photo! The most colourful group of all.
At the concourse.
Lots of photos taken together with the teachers! Oh, even though some of our teachers are already married, we are still used to calling them 'Miss'. Haha!
Miss Tay, she loves vitamin M and makes us stand on chairs. "Be careful of the fan."
Mdm Ho, library club in-charge aka music teacher.
Miss Ho, pretty english teacher.
Miss Tan, geography teacher, used to ride scooter to school and she's happily married to Mr Chan. =P
We are most probably going back on Teacher's Day, this year will be Mdm Koh's last year as she is going to retire. I must come back again!
I made a little snack, Chocolate caramel ice cream with gummy bears. Hehe!
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