My lunch for today, this is not bad already. Cup noodles and polar puffs are the only edible stuffs from the petrol station opposite my company and the only nearest place which sells food.
Pour the can of chilli tuna in and tadaa~!~
The ice cream man was here and off Guerlain, Martha and I went to get an ice cream each. Mango flavour, has the dried mango meat inside.
Had dinner after work at New York New York. Hehe...
Potato Salad but I think there's too much mayonnaise.
Fish n' Chips, I really find it very normal, don't have the standard a restaurant should have.
Watch Four Christmases, I rate it 4.5 stars! Hilarious even though the whole story happens in one day.
Mummy brought this home, her friend got this for her. Deliciousss~
It looks like that.
The green mint. Hehe...
Arghhh~ I got tagged by Ziyu to do this!
Rules & Regulations:- a player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about himself/herself.- people get tagged by him/her need to write a blog of their own 10 weird things/habits/little facts as well as stating this rule clearly- at the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names- NO TAGS BACK!
1) Nobody eats after the waiter serves their food until I am done with taking photos.
2) Always late for work because I always think that the alarms will ring again later... I use my handphone's alarm.
3) The way I treat my boyfriend is different from the way I treat my friends. Friends count yourself lucky. Hahaha!!!
4) I do not have a favourite type of food or drink.
5) I'm very very naughty! (Dear will agree when he sees this.)
6) People who don't know me well, will always think that I look fierce or stuck-up when I don't smile. That's is not my fault at all... my face is born like that.
7) I take very long to think of a problem before answering. Got to tackle problems with different view points.
8) Love isolating myself whenever I have the need to focus, if not I can't think properly.
9) I never know how to react to lame jokes... -_-"' Lame jokes are never funny.
10) My bedroom is damn messy. lol~!~
The End.
I shall tagged to anybody who wants to this too. Haha!
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