The forums are saying that drinking rose bud tea is good for health, contains vitamin C in the petals, blood circulation and helps in losing weight for the lower part of the body.
My lunch is last night's leftovers but the fish is not, I have one whole fish for myself. Anyway I didn't eat dinner at home last night, mummy just help me cook more to pack.
Let me show all of you, this is how everybody should eat their fish. Finish everything on your plates! First pic is my tom yam fishie~
Tadaa... Get what I mean, you see! Clean clean!
Now, the head is gone too. The smoothest meat is from the head, get it? Mummy says it is good for the skin.
I saw this finger food shop at basement 1, Cone pizza. Interesting rite? I decided to get a combo which includes a choice of cone pizza, juice and mash potato.
I chose the most expensive cone pizza of all choices, who so stupid choose cheap one? Italiano almost has all the ingredients they use, sounds yummy~
Mash potato is those which we can get from 7-11. We have to wait around 5 mins for our cone pizza to be ready.
Looks delicious~!~ Yum yum. Are you drooling now?
Inside the cone is full of ingredients, they really stuff them in. Very nice and cheaper than Pizza Hut. The crust is cripsy and not thick.
While I was having my cone pizza, I went to queue outside Xin Wang Hong Kong Cafe. Hahahaa~ Very funny right? By the way, it is open for 24 hours daily.
Peanut Butter Ice Blend, interesting... but I don't dare to try, can imagine the peanut butter... hmm... Actually, it should be just like having peanut shaved ice, am I right?
I ordered a 'Nan Ru' Fried Pork Chop Ramen. The pork chop is nice, juicy but fat and the skin is cripsy (*drools). The noodle is plain but very 'bouncy', not bad la.
Siew Mai, normal... Just like those supermarket bought ones. Nothing much to comment about.
My sis happen to be at Northpoint too! She wanted to get dinner and so we accompany her. I got another finger food to eat again, Cripsy fried chicken from Dong Dae Mun at basement 1 too. The chicken is tender and not dry, plus the chilli and mayo. Thumbs up!
Sis got herself a cone pizza too, curry chicken flavour, it is the cone for the day, cost $2.90 without the drink. The picture below is the machine they use to toast or bake our pizzas, we have to wait for the pizzas to play merry-go-round on the machine before it gets in our hands.
Sis' pizza, she thinks it tastes like chicken satay. The chicken bits are dry, not as yummy as Italiano. Sis likes their crispy crust too!
When I got back home, there was this bag on the dining table, Chocolat N' Spice.
Muffins and brownies from Shunfu Market! My daddy bought them. Woohoo~ Thanks daddy!
Banana, cheese and mixed fruit muffins. That cheese muffin will never get into my mouth!
Just look at that! Moist and fluffy, delicious~
Brownie, I love brownies. Moist and very very chocolatey! Mmm~ Why daddy never buy ice cream? Warm chocolate brownie with ice cream, ahh~!~
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