watch movie "DeJa Vu", it was a great movie
rate it 4 and a half
a little cruel, disgust
it was movie day yday, only RM6 per ticket. woah~ so damn cheap lo
wanted to get my 'Sims 2' but they dun have it in City Square, very sad and disappointed lo
then had dinner at e HK restaurant, i had 'black pepper beef udon' again and the drink was so delicious~, it's called 'Ah Tow and Ah Tang Story'
nothing much le, gonna randomly post something else. hmm...
attachment at St. Andrew Day Rehab was damn boring, wondering why we had to go there
totally nothing to do
a pic inside Day Rehab
wards in St. Andrews very big lo, every 2 cubicles got 1 toilet and the toilet same size as the ward
i dun have pics of the wards, so too bad~
took a pic with a rehab client, he looks like e actor from "The Pacifier". wahahahaa~
also Velocity at Novena Square is open
bye~ going out buy 'Sims 2'
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