all of us must be interested, wat they brought back rite?
3 Winter Coats... they say very cheap, S$6 each only. i dunno wat for, Singapore very hot leh
3 stacks of DVD-rewritable, very cheap mahz
at least this is good stuff but hor... i think my burner, dunno can burn DVD or not
Bamboo Charcoal, Mummy placed 3 infront of my PC say can block radiation. i'm like "???, wat e heck?" ok lo, at least it's decorated nicely
Piggies for us... e kind whr u pull to separate them. one of them vibrates and they're together again
Damn Sweet Fruit looks like Soursop but it's not. so very sweet lo, can make syrup like they're given 'sugar injection' since they are seeds and very expensive S$6++ each, my parents crazy
Taiwan famous for their 'Muah Chee', i only like Green tea flavour... e rest is yucky lo
Rice Cake Coco Pie, i haven eat this yet
Black Sesame with Peanuts, haven eat this yet too
Peanuts with ginger flavour sugar, nice and really chunchy, tiring to eat
e other one, not bad only lar
Peanuts again... with black skin, they call this 'Black Pearl'. i find this funnie lo.. hehe...
best thing of all? toothbrushes from diff hotels and my mummy was so proud of
how she managed to 'steal' e plane's hand lotion and face moisturizer out of e toilet (they took Cathay Pacific by e way), damn embarassing lo. u wouldn't want to noe and i dun wanna say...
having menses packaged with 'bad mood' today, cramps... argh~!~ calm down gal-
going out have Long John Silver with Veron and Karno later. hahaz... no money mahz
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