hahaz... was quite fun, took pics before i went to bed
my oldest teddy, 4th 'Ah Yee' gave this to me.
very dirty already, will wash when i'm free
*wait long long* haha.
my 2nd oldest Panda! really cute one...
contributed by my Auntie, daddy's side
his big bro's wife
i made clothes for panda when i was in Pri school
lolxXx... damn cute lar.
cos my mum used to work, u noe those sewing at home thingy?
got a lot of cloth around mah then i use lo...
this is my favourite dress of all
like princess hor? so kawaii~!~
k, this is my sis cos her favourite 'lion' which comes with my panda got thrown away by my mum cos my nephew play till got a lot saliva
haha... she miss her 'lion' a lot
she found another 'beaver'? this comes together with panda and lion
only tat this used to be my cousin Simyee's cos my sis was very sad over her lion being thrown away then she give her this lo
my sis took out her plushies and i found this very funny
hello kitty and the outfit my sis made
haha... hahaha...
daddy dog and baby dog
haha... but not from e same factory, they look so alike!
dressed up my pooh and eeyore. hahaha...
k, tat's all liao... wahaha.
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